Trupa irlandeză The Script a lansat un nou videoclip. Piesa se numește "Millionaires" și este cel de-al patrulea single extras de pe albumul "#3". Clipul melodiei a fost filmat în Londra, scenariul lui urmărind povestea unui grup de prieteni a căror viață aparent lipsită de griji le oferă iluzia unei trai similar milionarilor. Timpul, ce pare nelimitat, și afecțiunea pe care personajele din clip o simt pentru cei din gașcă înlocuiesc nevoia bunurilor materiale. Importantă este fericirea pe care o simt atunci, acolo.
Deși albumul "#3" nu a primit cronici foarte bune din parte publicațiilor de profil, popularitatea trupei i-a ajutat pe Danny O'Donoghue, Mark Sheehan și Glen Power să rămână în topuri. După piesa "Hall of Fame", primul single extras de pe album și totodată prima piesă The Script ce a urcat în fruntea clasamentului UK Singles, au urmat "Six Degrees of Separation" și "If You Could See Me Now", ce nu au reușit să atingă aceeași performanță. Irlandezii par să recupereze însă prin acest nou single, "Millionaires" beneficiind de o bună promovare în cadrul BBC Radio 1 și BBC Radio 2. Piesa a fost compusă de solistul trupei, Danny O'Donoghue, împreună cu Kipner, Frampton și chitaristul Sheehan.
Versuri "Millionaires" - The Script
They kicking us out saying it's time to close
We're leaning on each other trying to beat the cold
Carry our shoes and I give you my coat
We're walking these streets like they're paved with gold
Make any ol excuse not to go
Neither one of us want to take that taxi homeSinging our hearts out
Standing on chairs
Spending our time
Like we are millionaires
Laughing our heads off
The two of us there
Spending our time
Like we are millionaires
MillionairesLost my heart and I hope to die
Seeing that sunlight hit your eyes
Been up all night but you're still amazing me
Had the time of night you only dream about
If God came down he could take me now
Cos in my mind, we will always beSinging our hearts out
Standing on chairs
Spending our time
Like we are millionaires
Laughing our heads off
The two of us there
Spending our time
Like we are millionaires
Millionaires (look at us)Look at us
At six in the mornin'
If time was money, yeah
We be worth a fortune
I swear you might think you're rich
You could have a million euro
But you can't buy thisLook at us
At six in the mornin'
If time was money, yeah
We be worth a fortune
I swear you might think you're rich
You could have a million euro
But you can't buy thisWell the band was on playing that song
We messed up the lyrics
When we sang along
But we didn't care
‘Cause it felt like we were the only ones there
I see, I saw my voice were raw
Pretending to be loud but we're shouting more
We're shouting moreSinging our hearts out
Standing on chairs
Spending our time like we are millionaires
Laughing our heads off
We do it and stare
Spending our time like we were millionaires
MillionairesLook at us
At six in the mornin'
If time was money, yeah
We be worth a fortune
I swear you might think you're rich
You could have a million euro
But you can't buy thisLook at us
At six in the mornin'
If time was money, yeah
We be worth a fortune
I swear you might think you're rich
You could have a million euro
But you can't buy thisWe're walking these streets like they're paved with gold
Make any old excuses not to go
Neither one of us want to take that taxi home
The Script - "Millionaires"
The Script a lansat primul album în 2008, materialul conținând hiturile "The Man Who Can't Be Moved" și "Breakeven". Popularitatea trupei a cunoscut o creștere vizibilă odată cu difuzarea pieselor The Script în seriale precum "90210", "Ghost Whisperer", "The Hills", "Waterloo Road", "EastEnders", "Made in Chelsea" și "The Vampire Diaries". De asemenea, single-ul "The Man Who Can't Be Moved" a fost tema anuală a paradei "The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2009". Solistul trupei, Danny O'Donoghue, este totodată și jurat în cadrul emisiunii-concurs The Voice UK, alături de Jessie J, și Tom Jones.