Florence and the Machine a lansat melodia "Over The Love", parte din coloana sonoră a filmului "The Great Gatsby". Melodia a fost compusă de către solista Florence Welch, care s-a documentat înainte de a scrie versurile acesteia.
Astfel, creaţia este creionată şi din perspectiva lui Daisy Buchanan, marea iubire a lui Jay Gatsby. Piesa este în stilul care a făcut-o celebră pe interpreta britanică, art rock, cu aranjamente specifice stilului baroc. Întâlnim elemente din melodiile cunoscute deja cum sunt corul şi partitura complexă pentru pian, "Over The Love" fiind compusă în crescendo pentru a pune în valoare abilităţile de mezzo-soprană ale solistei.
Romanul autorului F. Scott Fitzgerald a fost o puternică sursă de inspiraţie pentru artiştii momentului, filmul "The Great Gatsby" urmând să apară curând şi în cinematografele din România.
Versurile piesei "Over The Love":
Ever since I was a child
I've tuned it all in my mind
I sang by the piano
Tore my yellow dress and
Cried and cried and criedAnd I'd want to see what I've seen
To undo what has been done
Turn off all the lights
Let the morning come, comeNow there's green light in my eyes
And my lover on my mind
And I sing from the piano
Tear my yellow dress and
Cry and cry and cry
Over the love of youthOn this champagne-drunken home
Against the current of old
Everybody see I love him
Cause it's the feeling that you get
When the afternoon is set
On the bridge into the cityAnd I want to see what I've seen
To undo what has been done
Turn off all the lights
Let the morning comeThere's green light in my eyes
And my lover on my mind
And I sing from the piano
Tear my yellow dress and
Cry and cry and cryCause you're a hard soul to save
With an ocean in the way
But I'll get around it
I'll get around it
Cause you're a hard soul to save
With an ocean in the way
But I'll get around it
I'll get around itThere's green light in my eyes
And my lover on my mind
And I sing from the piano
Tear my yellow dress and
Cry and cry and cry and
Over the love of youthCry and cry and cry and
Over the love of youth
Cry and cry and cry and
Over the love of youthI can see the green light
I can see it in your eyes
I can see the green light
I can see it in your eyes
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